Celebrating 65 years!


Programs start Sept 15. Must pre register!

The Saskatoon Lions Band is a community band which offers an instructional based program to 12-19 year olds. The mission of the band is: “To provide the youth of Saskatoon and surrounding area, between the ages of 12-19, with an opportunity to participate in a quality musical experience while teaching musicianship, teamwork, leadership, and self- discipline.”

Parents of children who participate in the Band Program have come to learn it offers some fundamentally different goals and objectives from existing school band programs. (Students are encouraged to attend their school band programs). Musicianship and quality of instruction are common objectives, as is the ability to contribute meaningfully to a group activity. The Lions Band, however adds to these experiences in the following ways:

  1. Added responsibility: from junior members to senior members, there are varying levels of responsibility. The beginner learns that his/her band partners depend on him/her to play their part, both musically and in a social sense. The program takes place outside of school hours, and this fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment to show up for practices, performances and fundraising activities. The members who join the Field Show component very quickly learn that this role is even more important. Both visually and musically, failure to participate fully impacts significantly on the overall effect of the band. The senior members learn, at an early age, the responsibilities which come with a leadership role. Grade 7 and 8 students who have been in the program for 2-3 years are role models and helpers for beginners. High school age students take on more specific leadership roles, such as section leaders, flag or drum captain and drum major.
  2. Social Skills: Children from a wide variety of backgrounds come together in the common purpose of making good music. Not only do children benefit from meeting new friends, they learn from the fact that these new friends may come from a different set of circumstances than them, with differing skills, and interests.
  3. Opportunity: Most bands travel to varying degrees. The Lions Band offers additional opportunity to travel to new and different places, to participate in different events, and to meet new people. Younger members, particularly, benefit from the added opportunity to travel, as they may not yet be eligible for the school band program, or if they are, travel opportunities for elementary band students are more restrictive.
  4. Musicianship: the program encourages students to start at an earlier age than they might have with the school band program. Lions Band members who start in grade 4 show a higher level of musical maturity and competence than their schoolmates who did not have this opportunity. We believe that this stands them in good stead throughout their adult lives, whether they continue to play seriously, or whether they play for the fun of it.
  5. Marching: Marching is an important part of the Lions Band program. Students learn skills to take part in various parades such as Grey Cup and stand up shows at civic and charitable events, and competitions. There is also the Field Show. This is a choreographed show the students do on a football field during competition or half time performance.

Program Commitments:

Programs include uniform, music, and clinics.

Saskatchewan Lions Band 2019-2020

Contact # 306-249-4949

Band Rehearsal- Sundays 1:30pm-2:30pm

Need at least 1 yr playing experience

Ages 12-19

We provide instruction, music, clinics, uniform, performance opportunities


Colourguard (Flags) Rehearsal- Sundays 2-3pm

No experience required

Ages 12-19

We provide instruction, flags/equipment, clinics, uniform, performance opportunities 

Adult Drumline- Sundays 2:30-4pm

Require s 1 year playing ability and audition.

Ages 15+

We provide instruction, music, uniform, clinics, drums, performance opportunities

Students are responsible to provide their own instruments. The Band does have some instruments to rent at $100.00 per year. Some sponsorships available. The Band provides specialized marching instruments such as marching bells, drums, etc.

*Monthly fees ($40/month Sept-June) need to be paid by cash/post dated checks or by fundraisers (not from bingo). Fees are due on the first of each month. Tour and trip money can be raised thru bingos/cash and fundraisers that are set up to help obtain your goals. Special arrangements can be made thru the administrator and treasurer. “Creative Kids” also provides grants for assistance.

Fundraising: Operating a band such as this is expensive. We run over a $100,000 budget! Facilities, music, costumes, uniforms, clinics, instruction, administrative costs etc are high. Students are expected to follow thru with their commitments for fees, bingos, and travel money. Various fundraisers are set up based on a credit system. These credits go into student’s personal fund for trips and fees. Fundraisers and bingos are offered throughout the year to help families achieve success.

Call 306-249-4949 for information on reherasals..

A strong commitment makes a strong winning team!